Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Ultimate Chocolate Brownie with Raspberries

Last week I made chocolate caramel slice (recipe to come) and took it in to work.  It went down so well that I have decided I am going to bake once a week and take it in to work for my colleagues to enjoy.  This week I have made The Ultimate Chocolate Brownie with Raspberries.  This was the winner of The Search for NZ's Favourite Recipe.  It is absolutely DIVINE and I'm sure it will go down extra well in the office tomorrow.  I omitted the raspberries this time.

320 grams butter, melted
1 1/4 cups cocoa
7 free range eggs
3 cups sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 - 2 cups dark chocolate chips/drops
1 1/4 cups plain flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
frozen/fresh raspberries (optional)
icing sugar (optional)

Preheat the oven to 160 degrees Celsius.  Line a large baking tin/roasting dish (24x34cm) with baking paper.  Melt the butter.  Using an electric mixer beat the cocoa into the melted butter.  Add eggs, sugar and vanilla and mix with the mixer for 3 - 4 minutes until the mixture begins to whip up in volume.
Using a wooden spoon/spatula mix in the chocolate chips/drops.  Sift flour and baking powder in; stir until fully combined.  Pour into the lined baking tin; give it a gentle shake to even out the mixture.
If using raspberries, dot these evenly on top of the mixture, gently pushing them just under the surface.  Bake in the oven at 160 degrees Celsius for about 1 hour until an inserted skewer comes out clean.  Leave to cool in the tin for about 10 minutes then turn out on to a wire rack to cool further.  If you want to make them look extra fancy, sift icing sugar over the top.
Enjoy warm or cold with some whipped cream or by themselves! 

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